The uWSGI alarm subsystem (from 1.3) ==================================== As of 1.3, uWSGI includes an alarm system. This subsystem allows the developer/sysadmin to 'announce' special conditions of an app via various channels. For example, you may want to get notified via Jabber/XMPP of a full listen queue, or a harakiri condition. The alarm subsystem is based on two components: an event monitor and an event action. An event monitor is something waiting for a specific condition (like an event on a file descriptor or a specific log message). As soon as the condition is true an action (like sending an email) is triggered. Embedded event monitors *********************** Event monitors can be added via plugins, the uWSGI core includes the following: * ``log-alarm`` triggers an alarm when a specific regexp matches a log line * ``alarm-fd`` triggers an alarm when the specified file descriptor is ready (which is pretty low-level and the basis of most of the alarm plugins) * ``alarm-backlog`` triggers an alarm when the socket backlog queue is full * ``alarm-segfault`` (since 1.9.9) triggers an alarm when uWSGI segfaults. * ``alarm-cheap`` Use main alarm thread rather than creating dedicated threads for each curl-based alarm Defining an alarm ***************** You can define an unlimited number of alarms. Each alarm has a unique name. Currently the following alarm actions are available in the main distribution: .. parsed-literal:: 'cmd' - run a command passing the log line to the stdin 'signal' - generate an uWSGI signal 'mule' - send the log line to a mule 'curl' - pass the log line to a curl url (http,https and smtp are supported) 'xmpp' - send the log line via XMPP/jabber To define an alarm, use the option ``--alarm``. .. parsed-literal:: --alarm " :" Remember to quote ONLY when you are defining alarms on the command line. .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] alarm = mailme cmd:mail -s 'uWSGI alarm' -a 'From:' alarm = cachefull signal:17 Here we define two alarms: ``mailme`` and ``cachefull``. The first one invokes the ``mail`` binary to send the log line to a mail address; the second one generates an uWSGI signal. We now need to add rules to trigger alarms: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] alarm = mailme cmd:mail -s 'uWSGI alarm' -a 'From:' alarm = cachefull signal:17 log-alarm = cachefull,mailme uWSGI listen queue of socket log-alarm = mailme HARAKIRI ON WORKER The syntax of log-alarm is .. parsed-literal:: --log-alarm " " In our previous example we defined two conditions using regexps applied to log lines. The first one will trigger both alarms when the listen queue is full, while the second will only invoke 'mailme' when a worker commits harakiri. Damnit, this... this is the rawest thing I've seen... ***************************************************** You may be right. But if you throw away your "being a cool programmer with a lot of friends and zero money" book for a moment, you will realize just how many things you can do with such a simple system. Want an example? .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] alarm = jabber;mysecretpassword;, log-alarm = jabber ^TERRIBLE ALARM Now in your app you only need to add .. code-block:: python print "TERRIBLE ALARM! The world exploded!!!" to send a Jabber message to ```` and ```` without adding any significant overhead to your app (as alarms are triggered by one or more threads in the master process, without bothering workers). How about another example? Check this Rack middleware: .. code-block:: rb class UploadCheck def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) if env['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST' and env['PATH_INFO'] == '/upload' puts "TERRIBLE ALARM! An upload has been made!" end end end Protecting from bad rules ************************* Such a versatile system could be open to a lot of ugly bugs, mainly infinite loops. Thus, try to build your regexps carefully. The embedded anti-loop subsystem should protect against loglines wrongly generated by alarm plugin. This system is not perfect so please double-check your regexps. If you are building a plugin, be sure to prepend your log messages with the '[uwsgi-alarm' string. These lines will be skipped and directly passed to the log subsystem. A convenience API function is available: ``uwsgi_log_alarm()``. How does log-alarm work? ************************ Enabling log-alarm automatically puts the uWSGI instance in :term:`log-master mode`, delegating log writes to the master. The alarm subsystem is executed by the master just before passing the log line to the log plugin. Blocking alarm plugins should run in a thread (like the curl and xmpp one), while the simple ones (like signal and cmd) may run directly in the master. Available plugins and their syntax ********************************** cmd ^^^ Run a shell command, passing the log line to its stdin: .. parsed-literal:: cmd: signal ^^^^^^ Raise an uWSGI signal. .. parsed-literal:: signal:[signum] .. seealso:: :doc:`Signals` mule ^^^^ Send the log line to a mule waiting for messages. .. parsed-literal:: mule:[mule_id] .. seealso:: :doc:`Mules` curl ^^^^ Send the log line to a cURL-able URL. This alarm plugin is not compiled in by default, so if you need to build it just run: .. parsed-literal:: python --plugin plugins/alarm_curl .. parsed-literal:: curl:[;opt1=val1;opt2=val2] ``url`` is any standard cURL URL, while the options currently exposed are * "auth_pass" * "auth_user" * "conn_timeout" * "mail_from" * "mail_to" * "method" * "ssl" * "subject" * "timeout" * "url" * "ssl_insecure" So, for sending mail via SMTP AUTH: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = alarm_curl alarm = test curl:smtp://;;;auth_user=uwsgi;auth_pass=secret;subject=alarm from uWSGI !!! Or we can use Gmail to send alarms: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = alarm_curl alarm = gmail curl:smtps://;;;auth_pass=secret;subject=alarm from uWSGI !!! Or to `PUT` the log line to an HTTP server protected with basic authentication: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = alarm_curl alarm = test2 curl:;auth_user=topogigio;auth_pass=foobar Or to `POST` the log line to an HTTPS server with self-generated SSL certificate. .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = alarm_curl alarm = test3 curl:;method=POST;ssl_insecure=true xmpp ^^^^ Probably the most interesting one of the built-in bunch. You need the ``libgloox`` package to build the XMPP alarm plugin (on Debian/Ubuntu, ``apt-get install gloox-dev``). .. code-block:: shell python --plugin plugins/alarm_xmpp .. code-block:: shell xmpp:;; You can set multiple recipients using ',' as delimiter. .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = alarm_xmpp alarm = jabber;secret1;, An even more interesting thing still about the XMPP plugin is that you will see the Jabber account of your app going down when your app dies. :-) Some XMPP servers (most notably the OSX Server one) requires you to bind to a resource. You can do thus by appending ``/resource`` to the JID. .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = alarm_xmpp alarm = jabber xmpp:max@server.local/uWSGI;secret1;, speech ^^^^^^ A toy plugin for OSX, used mainly for showing off Objective-C integration with uWSGI. It simply uses the OSX speech synthesizer to 'announce' the alarm. .. code-block:: shell python --plugin plugins/alarm_speech .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] plugins = alarm_speech http-socket = :8080 alarm = say speech: log-alarm = say .* Turn on your speakers, run uWSGI and start listening... airbrake ^^^^^^^^ Starting with 1.9.9 uWSGI includes the ``--alarm-segfault`` option to raise an alarm when uWSGI segfaults. The ``airbrake`` plugin can be used to send segfault backtraces to airbrake compatible servers. Like Airbrake itself and its open source clone errbit (, Airbrake support is experimental and it might not fully work in all cases. .. code-block:: ini plugins = airbrake alarm = errbit airbrake:;apikey=APIKEY;subject=uWSGI segfault alarm-segfault = errbit Note that alarm-segfault does not require the Airbrake plugin. A backtrace can just as well be sent using any other alarm plugin.