Defining new options for your instances ======================================= Sometimes the built-in options are not enough. For example, you may need to give your customers custom options for configuring their apps on your platform. Or you need to configure so many instances you want to simplify things such as per-datacenter or per-server-type options. Declaring new options for your config files/command-line is a good way of achieving these goals. To define new options use ``--declare-option``:: --declare-option =[;;...] An useful example could be defining a "redirect" option, using the redirect plugin of the InternalRouting subsystem:: --declare-option "redirect=route=\$1 redirect:\$2" This will declare a new option called ``redirect`` that takes 2 arguments. Those arguments will be expanded using the $-prefixed variables. Like shell scripts, *the backslash is required to make your shell not expand these values*. Now you will be able to define a redirect in your config files: .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --declare-option "redirect=route=\$1 redirect:\$2" --ini config.ini Config.ini: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] socket = :3031 ; define my redirects redirect = ^/foo redirect = \.jpg$ redirect = ^/foo/bar/ /test or directly on the command line: .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --declare-option "redirect=route=\$1 redirect:\$2" --socket :3031 --redirect "^/foo" --redirect "\.jpg$" --redirect "^/foo/bar/ /test" More fun: a bunch of shortcuts ------------------------------ Now we will define new options for frequently-used apps. Shortcuts.ini: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] ; let's define a shortcut for trac (new syntax: trac=) declare-option = trac=plugin=python;env=TRAC_ENV=$1;module=trac.web.main:dispach_request ; one for web2py (new syntax: web2py=) declare-option = web2py=plugin=python;chdir=$1;module=wsgihandler ; another for flask (new syntax: flask=) declare-option = flask=plugin=python;wsgi-file=$1;callable=app To hook up a Trac instance on /var/www/trac/fooenv: .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] ; include new shortcuts ini = shortcuts.ini ; classic options http = :8080 master = true threads = 4 ; our new option trac = /var/www/trac/fooenv A config for Web2py, in XML: .. code-block:: xml shortcuts.ini :443,test.crt,test.key,HIGH 4 /var/www/we2py A trick for the Emperor: automatically import shortcuts for your vassals ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you manage your customers/users with the :doc:`Emperor`, you can configure it to automatically import your shortcuts in each vassal. .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi/vassals --vassals-include /etc/uwsgi/shortcuts.ini For multiple shortcuts use: .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --emperor /etc/uwsgi/vassals --vassals-include /etc/uwsgi/shortcuts.ini --vassals-include /etc/uwsgi/shortcuts2.ini --vassals-include /etc/uwsgi/shortcuts3.ini Or (with a bit of :doc:`configuration logic magic`): .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] emperor = /etc/uwsgi/vassals for = shortcuts shortcuts2 shortcuts3 vassals-include = /etc/uwsgi/%(_).ini endfor = An advanced trick: embedding shortcuts in your uWSGI binary ----------------------------------------------------------- uWSGI's build system allows you to embed files, be they generic files or configuration, in the server binary. Abusing this feature will enable you to embed your new option shortcuts into the server binary, automagically allowing users to use them. To embed your shortcuts file, edit your build profile (like :file:`buildconf/base.ini`) and set ``embed_config`` to the path of the shortcuts file. Rebuild your server and your new options will be available. .. seealso:: :doc:`BuildConf`