The Gevent loop engine ====================== `Gevent`_ is an amazing non-blocking Python network library built on top of ``libev`` and ``greenlet``. Even though uWSGI supports Greenlet as suspend-resume/greenthread/coroutine library, it requires a lot of effort and code modifications to work with gevent. The gevent plugin requires gevent 1.0.0 and :doc:`Async` mode. .. _Gevent: Notes ----- * The :doc:`SignalFramework` is fully working with Gevent mode. Each handler will be executed in a dedicated greenlet. Look at :file:`tests/` for an example. * uWSGI multithread mode (``threads`` option) will not work with Gevent. Running Python threads in your apps is supported. * Mixing uWSGI's Async API with gevent's is **EXPLICITLY FORBIDDEN**. Building the plugin (uWSGI >= 1.4) ---------------------------------- The gevent plugin is compiled in by default when the default profile is used. Doing the following will install the python plugin as well as the gevent one: .. code-block:: sh pip install uwsgi Building the plugin (uWSGI < 1.4) --------------------------------- A 'gevent' build profile can be found in the :file:`buildconf` directory. .. code-block:: sh python uwsgiconfig --build gevent # or... UWSGI_PROFILE=gevent make # or... UWSGI_PROFILE=gevent pip install git+git:// # or... python uwsgiconfig --plugin plugins/gevent # external plugin Running uWSGI in gevent mode ---------------------------- .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --gevent 100 --socket :3031 --module myapp or for a modular build: .. code-block:: sh uwsgi --plugins python,gevent --gevent 100 --socket :3031 --module myapp the argument of --gevent is the number of async cores to spawn A crazy example --------------- The following example shows how to sleep in a request, how to make asynchronous network requests and how to continue doing logic after a request has been closed. .. code-block:: python import gevent import gevent.socket def bg_task(): for i in range(1,10): print "background task", i gevent.sleep(2) def long_task(): for i in range(1,10): print i gevent.sleep() def application(e, sr): sr('200 OK', [('Content-Type','text/html')]) t = gevent.spawn(long_task) t.join() yield "sleeping for 3 seconds...
" gevent.sleep(3) yield "done
" yield "getting some ips...
" urls = ['', '', '', ''] jobs = [gevent.spawn(gevent.socket.gethostbyname, url) for url in urls] gevent.joinall(jobs, timeout=2) for j in jobs: yield "ip = %s
" % j.value gevent.spawn(bg_task) # this task will go on after request end Monkey patching --------------- uWSGI uses native gevent api, so it does not need monkey patching. That said, your code may need it, so remember to call ``gevent.monkey.patch_all()`` at the start of your app. As of uWSGI 1.9, the convenience option ``--gevent-monkey-patch`` will do that for you. Please note that uWSGI does monkey patching before your application **starts**, not before your application **loads**. So if you are loading other modules while loading your application you may still need to call ``gevent.monkey.patch_all()`` yourself. A common example is using ``psycopg2_gevent`` with django. Django will make a connection to postgres for each thread (storing it in thread locals). As the uWSGI gevent plugin runs on a single thread this approach will lead to a deadlock in psycopg. Enabling monkey patch will allow you to map thread locals to greenlets (though you could avoid full monkey patching and only call ``gevent.monkey.patch_thread()``) and solves the issue: .. code-block:: python import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_thread() import gevent_psycopg2 gevent_psycopg2.monkey_patch() or (to monkey patch everything) .. code-block:: python import gevent.monkey gevent.monkey.patch_all() import gevent_psycopg2 gevent_psycopg2.monkey_patch() Notes on clients and frontends ------------------------------ * If you're testing a WSGI application that generates a stream of data, you should know that ``curl`` by default buffers data until a newline. So make sure you either disable curl's buffering with the ``-N`` flag or have regular newlines in your output. * If you are using Nginx in front of uWSGI and wish to stream data from your app, you'll probably want to disable Nginx's buffering. .. code-block:: nginx uwsgi_buffering off;