uwsgi protocol magic variables ============================== You can dynamically tune or configure various aspects of the uWSGI server using special variables passed by the web server (or in general by a uwsgi compliant client). * For Nginx, the ``uwsgi_param ;`` directive is used. * For Apache, the ``SetEnv `` directive is used. ``UWSGI_SCHEME`` ---------------- Set the URL scheme when it cannot be reliably determined. This may be used to force HTTPS (with the value ``https``), for instance. ``UWSGI_SCRIPT`` ---------------- Load the specified script as a new application mapped to ``SCRIPT_NAME``. The app will obviously only be loaded once, not on each request. :: uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT werkzeug.testapp:test_app; uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /testapp; ``UWSGI_MODULE`` and ``UWSGI_CALLABLE`` --------------------------------------- Load a new app (defined as ``module:callable``) mapped into ``SCRIPT_NAME``. :: uwsgi_param UWSGI_MODULE werkzeug.testapp; uwsgi_param UWSGI_CALLABLE test_app; uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /testapp; ``UWSGI_PYHOME`` ---------------- Dynamically set the Python :ref:`Virtualenv` for a :doc:`dynamic application`. .. seealso:: :ref:`DynamicVirtualenv` ``UWSGI_CHDIR`` --------------- ``chdir()`` to the specified directory before managing the request. ``UWSGI_FILE`` -------------- Load the specified file as a new dynamic app. ``UWSGI_TOUCH_RELOAD`` ---------------------- Reload the uWSGI stack when the specified file's modification time has changed since the last request. :: location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_param UWSGI_TOUCH_RELOAD /tmp/touchme.foo; uwsgi_pass /tmp/uwsgi.sock; } ``UWSGI_CACHE_GET`` ------------------- .. seealso:: :doc:`Caching` Check the uWSGI cache for a specified key. If the value is found, it will be returned as raw HTTP output instead of the usual processing of the request. :: location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_param UWSGI_CACHE_GET $request_uri; uwsgi_pass; } ``UWSGI_SETENV`` ---------------- Set the specified environment variable for a new dynamic app. .. note:: To allow this in Python applications you need to enable the ``reload-os-env`` uWSGI option. Dynamically load a Django app without using a WSGI file/module:: location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_param UWSGI_SCRIPT django.core.handlers.wsgi:WSGIHandler(); uwsgi_param UWSGI_CHDIR /mydjangoapp_path; uwsgi_param UWSGI_SETENV DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myapp.settings; } ``UWSGI_APPID`` --------------- .. note:: Available since 0.9.9. Bypass ``SCRIPT_NAME`` and :doc:`VirtualHosting` to let the user choose the mountpoint without limitations (or headaches). The concept is very generic: ``UWSGI_APPID`` is the identifier of an application. If it is not found in the internal list of apps, it will be loaded. :: server { server_name server001; location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_param UWSGI_APPID myfunnyapp; uwsgi_param UWSGI_FILE /var/www/app1.py } } server { server_name server002; location / { include uwsgi_params; uwsgi_param UWSGI_APPID myamazingapp; uwsgi_param UWSGI_FILE /var/www/app2.py } }