Build a dynamic proxy using RPC and internal routing ==================================================== Work in progress (requires uWSGI 1.9.14, we use PyPy as the engine) step 1: build your mapping function ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ we use the hostname as the mapping (you can use whatever you need) .. code-block:: py import uwsgi def my_mapper(hostname): return "" uwsgi.register_rpc('the_mapper', my_mapper) save it as step 2: building a routing table ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: ini [uwsgi] ; enable the pypy engine pypy-home = /opt/pypy ; execute the file (the 'the_mapper' rpc function will be registered) pypy-exec = ; bind to a port http-socket = :9090 ; let's define our routing table ; at every request (route-run execute the action without making check, use it instead of --route .*) run the_mapper passing HTTP_HOST as argument ; and place the result in the MYNODE variable route-run = rpcvar:MYNODE the_mapper ${HTTP_HOST} ; print the MYNODE variable (just for fun) route-run = log:${MYNODE} ; proxy the request to the chosen backend node route-run = http:${MYNODE} ; enable offloading for automagic non-blocking behaviour ; a good value for offloading is the number of cpu cores offload-threads = 2