Serializing accept(), AKA Thundering Herd, AKA the Zeeg Problem¶
One of the historical problems in the UNIX world is the “thundering herd”.
What is it?
Take a process binding to a networking address (it could be AF_INET
or whatever you want) and then forking itself:
int s = socket(...)
bind(s, ...)
listen(s, ...)
After having forked itself a bunch of times, each process will generally start
blocking on accept()
for(;;) {
int client = accept(...);
if (client < 0) continue;
The funny problem is that on older/classic UNIX, accept()
is woken up in
each process blocked on it whenever a connection is attempted on the socket.
Only one of those processes will be able to truly accept the connection, the
others will get a boring EAGAIN
This results in a vast number of wasted cpu cycles (the kernel scheduler has to give control to all of the sleeping processes waiting on that socket).
This behaviour (for various reasons) is amplified when instead of processes you
use threads (so, you have multiple threads blocked on accept()
The de facto solution was placing a lock before the accept()
call to serialize
its usage:
for(;;) {
int client = accept(...);
if (client < 0) continue;
For threads, dealing with locks is generally easier but for processes you have to fight with system-specific solutions or fall back to the venerable SysV ipc subsystem (more on this later).
In modern times, the vast majority of UNIX systems have evolved, and now the kernel ensures (more or less) only one process/thread is woken up on a connection event.
Ok, problem solved, what we are talking about?
In the pre-1.0 era, uWSGI was a lot simpler (and less interesting) than the
current form. It did not have the signal framework and it was not able to
listen to multiple addresses; for this reason its loop engine was only calling
in each process/thread, and thundering herd (thanks to modern
kernels) was not a problem.
Evolution has a price, so after a while the standard loop engine of a uWSGI process/thread moved from:
for(;;) {
int client = accept(s, ...);
if (client < 0) continue;
to a more complex:
for(;;) {
int interesting_fd = wait_for_fds();
if (fd_need_accept(interesting_fd)) {
int client = accept(interesting_fd, ...);
if (client < 0) continue;
else if (fd_is_a_signal(interesting_fd)) {
The problem is now the wait_for_fds()
example function: it will call
something like select()
, poll()
or the more modern epoll()
These kinds of system calls are “monitors” for file descriptors, and they are woken up in all of the processes/threads waiting for the same file descriptor.
Before you start blaming your kernel developers, this is the right approach, as
the kernel cannot know if you are waiting for those file descriptors to call
or to make something funnier.
So, welcome again to the thundering herd.
Application Servers VS WebServers¶
The popular, battle tested, solid, multiprocess reference webserver is Apache HTTPD.
It survived decades of IT evolutions and it’s still one of the most important technologies powering the whole Internet.
Born as multiprocess-only, Apache had to always deal with the thundering herd problem and they solved it using SysV ipc semaphores.
(Note: Apache is really smart about that, when it only needs to wait on a
single file descriptor, it only calls accept()
taking advantage of modern
kernels anti-thundering herd policies)
(Update: Apache 2.x even allows you to choose which lock technique to use, included flock/fcntl for very ancient systems, but on the vast majority of the system, when in multiprocess mode it will use the sysv semaphores)
Even on modern Apache releases, stracing one of its process (bound to multiple interfaces) you will see something like that (it is a Linux system):
semop(...); // lock
semop(...); // unlock
... // manage the request
the SysV semaphore protect your epoll_wait from thundering herd.
So, another problem solved, the world is a such a beautiful place… but ….
SysV IPC is not good for application servers :(*
The definition of “application server” is pretty generic, in this case we refer to one or more process/processes generated by an unprivileged (non-root) user binding on one or more network address and running custom, highly non-deterministic code.
Even if you had a minimal/basic knowledge on how SysV IPC works, you will know each of its components is a limited resource in the system (and in modern BSDs these limits are set to ridiculously low values, PostgreSQL FreeBSD users know this problem very well).
Just run ‘ipcs’ in your terminal to get a list of the allocated objects in your kernel. Yes, in your kernel. SysV ipc objects are persistent resources, they need to be removed manually by the user. The same user that could allocate hundreds of those objects and fill your limited SysV IPC memory.
One of the most common problems in the Apache world caused by the SysV ipc usage is the leakage when you brutally kill Apache instances (yes, you should never do it, but you don’t have a choice if you are so brave/fool to host unreliable PHP apps in your webserver process).
To better understand it, spawn Apache and killall -9 apache2
. Respawn it
and run ‘ipcs’ you will get a new semaphore object every time. Do you see the
problem? (to Apache gurus: yes I know there are hacky tricks to avoid that,
but this is the default behaviour)
Apache is generally a system service, managed by a conscious sysadmin, so except few cases you can continue trusting it for more decades, even if it decides to use more SysV ipc objects :)
Your application server, sadly, is managed by different kind of users, from the most skilled one to the one who should change job as soon as possible to the one with the site cracked by a moron wanting to take control of your server.
Application servers are not dangerous, users are. And application servers are run by users. The world is an ugly place.
How application server developers solved it¶
Fast answer: they generally do not solve/care it
Note: we are talking about multiprocessing, we have already seen multithreading is easy to solve.
Serving static files or proxying (the main activities of a webserver) is generally a fast, non-blocking (very deterministic under various points of view) activity. Instead, a web application is way slower and heavier, so, even on moderately loaded sites, the amount of sleeping processes is generally low.
On highly loaded sites you will pray for a free process, and in non-loaded sites the thundering herd problem is completely irrelevant (unless you are running your site on a 386).
Given the relatively low number of processes you generally allocate for an application server, we can say thundering herd is a no-problem.
Another approach is dynamic process spawning. If you ensure your application server has always the minimum required number of processes running you will highly reduce the thundering herd problem. (check the family of –cheaper uWSGI options)
No-problem ??? So, again, what we are talking about ?¶
We are talking about “common cases”, and for common cases there are a plethora of valid choices (instead of uWSGI, obviously) and the vast majority of problems we are talking about are non-existent.
Since the beginning of the uWSGI project, being developed by a hosting company where “common cases” do not exist, we cared a lot about corner-case problems, bizarre setups and those problems the vast majority of users never need to care about.
In addition to this, uWSGI supports operational modes only common/available in general-purpose webservers like Apache (I have to say Apache is probably the only general purpose webserver as it allows basically anything in its process space in a relatively safe and solid way), so lot of new problems combined with user bad-behaviour arise.
One of the most challenging development phase of uWSGI was adding multithreading. Threads are powerful, but are really hard to manage in the right way.
Threads are way cheaper than processes, so you generally allocate dozens of them for your app (remember, not used memory is wasted memory).
Dozens (or hundreds) of threads waiting for the same set of file descriptors bring us back to a thundering herd problem (unless all of your threads are constantly used).
For such a reason when you enable multiple threads in uWSGI a pthread mutex is allocated, serializing epoll()/kqueue()/poll()/select()… usage in each thread.
Another problem solved (and strange for uWSGI, without the need of an option ;)
The Zeeg problem: Multiple processes with multiple threads¶
On June 27, 2013, David Cramer wrote an interesting blog post (you may not agree with its conclusions, but it does not matter now, you can continue hating uWSGI safely or making funny jokes about its naming choices or the number of options).
The problem David faced was such a strong thundering herd that its response time was damaged by it (non constant performance was the main result of its tests).
Why did it happen? Wasn’t the mutex allocated by uWSGI solving it?
David is (was) running uWSGI with 10 process and each of them with 10 threads:
uwsgi --processes 10 --threads 10 ...
While the mutex protects each thread in a single process to call accept()
on the same request, there is no such mechanism (or better, it is not enabled
by default, see below) to protect multiple processes from doing it, so given
the number of threads (100) available for managing requests, it is unlikely
that a single process is completely blocked (read: with all of its 10 threads
blocked in a request) so welcome back to the thundering herd.
How David solved it ?¶
uWSGI is a controversial piece of software, no shame in that. There are users fiercely hating it and others morbidly loving it, but all agree that docs could be way better ([OT] it is good when all the people agree on something, but pull requests on uwsgi-docs are embarrassingly low and all from the same people…. come on, help us !!!)
David used an empirical approach, spotted its problem and decided to solve it running independent uwsgi processes bound on different sockets and configured nginx to round robin between them.
It is a very elegant approach, but it has a problem: nginx cannot know if the process on which is sending the request has all of its thread busy. It is a working but suboptimal solution.
The best way would be having an inter-process locking (like Apache),
serializing all of the accept()
in both threads and processes
uWSGI docs sucks: –thunder-lock¶
Michael Hood (you will find his name in the comments of David’s post, too)
signalled the problem in the uWSGI mailing-list/issue tracker some time ago, he
even came out with an initial patch that ended with the --thunder-lock
option (this is why open-source is better ;)
is available since uWSGI 1.4.6 but never got documentation (of
any kind)
Only the people following the mailing-list (or facing the specific problem) know about it.
SysV IPC semaphores are bad how you solved it ?¶
Interprocess locking has been an issue since uWSGI, but we solved it in the first public release of the project (in 2009).
We basically checked each operating system capabilities and chose the best/fastest ipc locking they could offer, filling our code with dozens of #ifdef.
When you start uWSGI you should see in its logs which “lock engine” has been chosen.
There is support for a lot of them:
pthread mutexes with _PROCESS_SHARED and _ROBUST attributes (modern Linux and Solaris)
pthread mutexes with _PROCESS_SHARED (older Linux)
OSX Spinlocks (MacOSX, Darwin)
Posix semaphores (FreeBSD >= 9)
Windows mutexes (Windows/Cygwin)
SysV IPC semaphores (fallback for all the other systems)
Their usage is required for uWSGI-specific features like caching, rpc and all of those features requiring changing shared memory structures (allocated with mmap() + _SHARED)
Each of these engines is different from the others and dealing with them has been a pain and (more important) some of them are not “ROBUST”.
The “ROBUST” term is pthread-borrowed. If a lock is “robust”, it means if the process locking it dies, the lock is released.
You would expect it from all of the lock engines, but sadly only few of them works reliably.
For this reason the uWSGI master process has to allocate an additional thread (the ‘deadlock’ detector) constantly checking for non-robust unreleased locks mapped to dead processes.
It is a pain, however, anyone will tell you IPC locking is easy should be accepted in a JEDI school…
uWSGI developers are fu*!ing cowards¶
Both David Cramer and Graham Dumpleton (yes, he is the mod_wsgi author but
heavily contributed to uWSGI development as well to the other WSGI servers,
this is another reason why open source is better) asked why --thunder-lock
is not the default when multiprocess + multithread is requested.
This is a good question with a simple answer: we are cowards who only care about money.
uWSGI is completely open source, but its development is sponsored (in various way) by the companies using it and by customers.
Enabling “risky” features by default for a “common” usage (like multiprocess+multithread) is too much for us, and in addition to this, the situation (especially on linux) of library/kernel incompatibilities is a real pain.
As an example for having ROBUST pthread mutexes you need a modern kernel with a modern glibc, but commonly used distros (like the centos family) have a mix of older kernels with newer glibc and the opposite too. This leads to the inability to correctly detect which is the best locking engine for a platform, and so, when the script is in doubt it falls back to the safest approach (like non-robust pthread mutexes on linux).
The deadlock-detector should save you from most of the problem, but the “should” word is the key. Making a test suite (or even a single unit test) on this kind of code is basically impossible (well, at least for me), so we cannot be sure all is in the right place (and reporting threading bugs is hard for users as well as skilled developer, unless you work on pypy ;)
Linux pthread robust mutexes are solid, we are “pretty” sure about that, so you
should be able to enable --thunder-lock
on modern Linux systems with a
99.999999% success rates, but we prefer (for now) users consciously enable it
When SysV IPC semaphores are a better choice¶
Yes, there are cases on which SysV IPC semaphores gives you better results than system-specific features.
Marcin Deranek of has been battle-testing uWSGI for months and helped us with fixing corner-case situations even in the locking area.
He noted system-specific lock-engines tend to favour the kernel scheduler (when choosing which process wins the next lock after an unlock) instead of a round-robin distribution.
As for their specific need for an equal distribution of requests among processes is better (they use uWSGI with perl, so no threading is in place, but they spawn lot of processes) they (currently) choose to use the “ipcsem” lock engine with:
uwsgi --lock-engine ipcsem --thunder-lock --processes 100 --psgi ....
The funny thing (this time) is that you can easily test if the lock is working well. Just start blasting the server and you will see in the request logs how the reported pid is different each time, while with system-specific locking the pids are pretty random with a pretty heavy tendency of favouring the last used process.
Funny enough, the first problem they faced was the ipcsem leakage (when you are in emergency, graceful reload/stop is your enemy and kill -9 will be your silver bullet)
To fix it, the –ftok option is available allowing you to give a unique id to the semaphore object and to reuse it if it is available from a previous run:
uwsgi --lock-engine ipcsem --thunder-lock --processes 100 --ftok /tmp/foobar --psgi ....
–ftok takes a file as an argument, it will use it to build the unique id. A common pattern is using the pidfile for it
What about other portable lock engines ?¶
In addition to “ipcsem”, uWSGI (where available) adds “posixsem” too.
They are used by default only on FreeBSD >= 9, but are available on Linux too.
They are not “ROBUST”, but they do not need shared kernel resources, so if you trust our deadlock detector they are a pretty-good approach. (Note: Graham Dumpleton pointed me to the fact they can be enabled on Apache 2.x too)
You can have the best (or the worst) software of the whole universe, but without docs it does not exist.
The Apache team still slam the face of the vast majority of us trying to touch their market share :)
Bonus chapter: using the Zeeg approach in a uWSGI friendly way¶
I have to admit, I am not a big fan of supervisord. It is a good software without doubts, but I consider the Emperor and the –attach-daemon facilities a better approach to the deployment problems. In addition to this, if you want to have a “scriptable”/”extendable” process supervisor I think Circus ( is a lot more fun and capable (the first thing I have done after implementing socket activation in the uWSGI Emperor was making a pull request [merged, if you care] for the same feature in Circus).
Obviously supervisord works and is used by lot of people, but as a heavy uWSGI user I tend to abuse its features to accomplish a result.
The first approach I would use is binding to 10 different ports and mapping each of them to a specific process:
processes = 5
threads = 5
; create 5 sockets
socket = :9091
socket = :9092
socket = :9093
socket = :9094
socket = :9095
; map each socket (zero-indexed) to the specific worker
map-socket = 0:1
map-socket = 1:2
map-socket = 2:3
map-socket = 3:4
map-socket = 4:5
Now you have a master monitoring 5 processes, each one bound to a different
address (no --thunder-lock
For the Emperor fanboys you can make such a template (call it foo.template):
processes = 1
threads = 10
socket = :%n
Now make a symbolic link for each instance+port you want to spawn:
ln -s foo.template 9091.ini
ln -s foo.template 9092.ini
ln -s foo.template 9093.ini
ln -s foo.template 9094.ini
ln -s foo.template 9095.ini
ln -s foo.template 9096.ini
Bonus chapter 2: securing SysV IPC semaphores¶
My company hosting platform in heavily based on Linux cgroups and namespaces.
The first (cgroups) are used to limit/account resource usage, while the second (namespaces) are used to give an “isolated” system view to users (like seeing a dedicated hostname or root filesystem).
As we allow users to spawn PostgreSQL instances in their accounts we need to limit SysV objects.
Luckily, modern Linux kernels have a namespace for IPC, so calling unshare(CLONE_NEWIPC) will create a whole new set (detached from the others) of IPC objects.
Calling --unshare ipc
in customer-dedicated Emperors is a common approach.
When combined with memory cgroup you will end with a pretty secure setup.
Author: Roberto De Ioris
Fixed by: Honza Pokorny